Biblical Worldview continued

One of our YWAM Stirling statements is that we want to engage with individuals and communities with a biblical world view. I am currently trying to unpack that a little. What does it mean to have a biblical worldview?

People who know me, know that I am not one to use theology terminology, so its focuses in community and church - seeing it from where I am at - now. So I don't claim to have arrived. (I am not sure I ever will!)
I have looked at Mark d Roberts blog series on Biblical worldview the matter and he explains things in a way I understand...

Two things that Mark has written stick out at the mom
"1. There is one transcendent, sovereign, all-powerful God who created all things.

2. Matter matters, because God created heaven and earth and saw that all things he created are very good."

What God created was good. Sin has got in the way.

God created us to be relational- with Him and others. The earth He created was good and is His.

Yes it is important to be in a Christian community to be built up, equipped and discipled but it is equally important that we show and share God's love practically to those who don't know God.

That should start where you are - local. If God calls you globally, then go.

My passion and vision is my city - at least at the moment. I want to see God move in Stirling, I want to see church partnerships and people earnestly seeking God....and finding Him.


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