Biblical Worldview.

Whether we know it or not , we all have a world view. A world view is developed by our beliefs, values and framework of how we interpret and understand our world. It also relates to how we relate or interact in it.
Jesus lived in this world. He interacted with the people. He did not set himself apart in order to look down on people. He did not follow the rituals of the Pharisees.
He spoke directly to the people.
He connected with people where they were at in their daily life.
We all have things that have influenced our thoughts and values.

I am coming from the context of a Christian community worker, who is currently working in a mission organisation.
As a community worker, I know people within my field that would say that I can not be anti - discriminatory and Christian as I have set values. However we all have a worldview, regardless of whether it is religious or not. In my eyes that argument can not hold up. In professional practice I can see I respect the right to seld determination as I believe God gave us freewill.
I believe in accepting people where they are at. As a Christian of over 20 years, I do not claim to be "sorted". (Far from it.)

Some people think that because I work for a mission we are going to Bible bash left, right and centre. Many funders will not fund religious organisations, since they do not want to be seen promoting one particular religion over another - so they just avoid it with a Barge pole.

The truth is no matter how you wrap it up, human beings have a spiritual dimension, I believe God created us that way to have relationship. If that aspect is not filled, people have a void and a lack of purpose. (In my humble opinion.)

People often have this misconception that Christianity is a set of restrictive rules and exclusive. The reality is that God is not judgemental. (We are far more likely to be judgemental.) God is open and inclusive to all.

Engaging in your community as a Christian /missionary is about practically showing God's love to the community, allowing people an opportunity to experience God in their every day life.

We may have a habit of building walls in the church, defining our boundary and territory. If we do that we are being exclusive. Jesus was inclusive. He spent his time with people who were socially unacceptable in that time. There are countless passages where Jesus socialised in the "wrong" circles. (The lepers, tax collectors, shepherds, women, prostitutes... and I could go on)

I have not got it right and I have so much more to learn. I am not versed up and know about apologetics and theology....but I know what God has done for me. All I can do is try to share what I know of God.....and I am always going to have "L" plates on.


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