Why Honestly Living It?

I thought since people may read this blog, I should say a bit about me.
Why honestly living it?
Simply put, I am sharing my journey with you.
So who am I?
I am a mum with 2 young children, who is professionally trained in youth and community work. I am currently working in mission. I try to balance being a mum with practically demonstrating God's love to those around me....what most Christians endeavour to do - it just so happens that I am currently with Youth With A Mission Scotland.
I like things in simple language. I value truth and honesty. I don't claim to be one who has it all sown up. My heart and vision to be transformed into the people God wants them to be.
As a community worker, I have a passion for good practice. I believe that when we develop a new project, people should be able to see that it is run well with good policy and practice because God wants the best for us - we should do our best for Him.
We should be an example to others of how to do things well.
This is a blog of my journey in balancing all these aspects of me, so that I can hopefully be the salt and light in my community. Seeking an ever deeper relationship and intimacy with my God.


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