Be with Me, talk with me - ask questions

Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd. I am never in need.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside peaceful waters.
3 He renews my soul. He guides me along the paths of righteousness for the sake of his name.
GOD'S WORD® is a copyrighted work of God's Word to the Nations. Quotations are used by permission.

I have been thinking recently about what I believe. There are some things I quite simply have formed an opinion and I believe what I believe. Sometimes unquestioningly.
I like simple language, so I am not really a into theological arguments.
There are also other times when I know that I have said that we need to raise our expectancy and expectations and ask questions.
We have all heard of having a child like faith. Sometimes that people think that means having a simple faith.
I am not so sure of that....I have a 5 year old that can have some very profound questions.

We have a relational God that wants us to be co-workers. Surely it makes sense that He wants us to ask questions and build a deeper intimacy with Him.

At the same time, God is God. I don't need to know everything. In fact quite often I am glad I don't - as it would probably blow my mind.

I am relieved He tells me things on a need to know basis at times. I am also quite sure that if He told me His plan for me 5 or 10 years in advance, it may freak me out completely and I may well become a modern day Jonah that turns on my heels.

Sometimes He gives us time....Like my recent trip to Germany. He told me about that 1 year in advance....but He knew that going "alone" and leaving my family for 3 weeks was something I had to ponder, prepare for and wrestle He knew I would need that time.

Sometimes structure can make us feel safe. We like that. The world likes that. Sometimes churches like can make things clear, more professional or business like....

Whose rules are they though? More often or not we put God in a box when we do that...
The problem is my God is not confined to a box. He doesn't do it my way very often (sometimes He might indulge me) ...It's more often or not His plan and His way.

Faith can be complex and it can be simple...There are no fixed rules.


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