It has been a while since I have written anything here and well that has been life.
In the last few months we have had a variety of challenges one after another.
For a while we got pestered with teenage pranksters on a daily basis, often several times a day....
What they saw as fun, actually began to grind us down and make us anxious....The human side of you wants to defend your territory and knock heads together while you are trying to remain calm and be reasonable.

Then there was a fall, concussion and now nearly constant headaches....such is life you have to take the rough with the smooth...

I have been pondering lately about how we perceive things...

In my church we have a Bible in a year challenge.... so lots of us a reading the daily reading and its stimulating discussion....
Someone wrote in a blog discussion "we have so many programmes and so little yield.... people do it because its what we do in Christianity"

You know I get part of what the person is saying but my heart is saddened and frustrated with such comments. How do we know what the yield is?

We may not always hear the results or see the results of our actions... I always remember one of my school friends telling me after being a Christian for a while that she became a Christian because of me.

I was stunned, as I had no real memory of witnessing to her.....but she said " You started by saying hello to me on the way to school and then I watched you for a bit and you got me thinking, you became my friend and you had time and listened"

It was a chance conversation that I found that out.....

Getting back to the blog guy.... I wonder if he realised that his idea of seeing the yield might be that he lives in a world that seems so fixed on targets and achievement that he has slipped into that himself and has a negative view on church.

We will not always know the fruits of our labour and we can not assume we know their slow to judge.


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