What shape do you want to be?
Okay, so the title of this blog might intrigue you. Thinking about what I wanted to write here, my mind drifted to a small snippet of the TV show "Outnumbered" where the young girl comments on how silly it is to have a size zero dress size to her gran....the gran explains that it is just a number but that women can be whatever size or shape they want to be regardless of the popular images.....the little girl responds by saying "I want to be Hexagonal". Its funny, but my question here is Do you/I dare to be different? Sometimes I long to have a normal job that gives be a regular, stable income and a life where I have far less juggling and "stuff" I have nearly been in this ministry for 5 years and still lots of people don't get it....sometimes I think people think I am doing this until I can get a proper job when the kids are older. Some just presume I am a housewife. In fact I don't fit nice and neatly into any "box". Sometimes I like tha...