

Published Poetry

Another aspect of me is that I enjoy poetry. I don't get quite as much time as I used to for writing but here are a few anthologies in which I have been published.

Inspired Reflections 2007

A New Horizon 1998

China Soldiers 1998

Harbour of Thoughts 1998

Seeds of Faith 1997

The Heavenly Light 1997

Voices in Harmony 1997

Chosen Grace 1996

We Are His Hands 1996

Hands in Harmony 1996

The Christian Poetry Collection 1996

Faith & Friendship 1996

Christian Meditations 1996

Christian Poets from Scotland 1995

The Gift of Love 1995

The AP Book of Christmas Poems 1995

Celebrations 1994

If you click on the hubpages links you can also read poems that on hubpages or Letterpile.

There are a few missing, I will add them when I remember. Most are under my maiden name of Patricia Ann Rosie.


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