
Well I have had an interesting weekend. I have been to our annual staff weekend that we have in YWAM Scotland.
What did we talk about - Crabgrass.
It is not something I know terribly much about....infact I am not sure I have heard of it before. Crabgrass however is a weed that spreads everywhere. One of the interesting things about Crabgrass is that it will suck up the the nutrients it can get in one area and if that section has enough to sustain it, then the crabgrass will pass the excess nutrients along the roots to an area that needs more.
Isn't that a wonderful image for a national mission agency/ church? (not the weed aspect the sharing resources aspect.)

Within our organisations we have several locations that work independently yet we are still organically linked as we are one charity. So we have this dichotomous aspect as we are one unit YWAM Scotland, yet we are also location based as well throughout the nation.

I have never been big on promoting our YWAM Stirling Name

What I am Big on is

Being Obedient to Him
Seeing Communities and Lives transformed
His Kingdom

I want to be at the very pulse of what God is doing in my area and nation -
if that means I partner or volunteer with a like minded organisation, then I will do that...

Its not about the "success of the organisation" or who is the Lead role....its about God and seeking first His Kingdom


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