Journeying with God

Over the past few months I have been attending the Mentoring school of Glasgow Prophetic Centre. It is a monthly free school that helps you to listen to God and practice skills.
If I am honest, I first went along to it to see what it was... I was not too sure if it was for me and I certainly would not class myself as a prophet.
I do however volunteer for Healing Rooms Scotland, part of International Healing Rooms. So praying for people is not out my comfort zone.
At first I was hesitant....but I have grown in confidence and been open to God.

At one session one of the leaders asked me if I had tried prophetic art....I could not help but laugh my art is not much better than stick men that my toddler can manage.
But the comment was a seed a week later I bought a pad and pencils.

Now I would love to say I have mastered technique, but alas I have not ....but I am learning to be still before God - draw (even if it is badly) and then writing any words or scripture that has come to mind.
I am learning and on a journey with God.
The school is giving me a safe place to hone skill.
Now I know some that may raise an eyebrow at this but for me its a journey I am willing to explore.

There have also been a few dreams on my heart for years and I was beginning to wonder if they would ever be more than a thought in my mind or were they a crazy thought?

Well they are no further forward as yet but after a prophetic check up from some of the team (none of whom knew me) I still have hope


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