Standing up for what is right

There is a time for everything...

Some people like to keep different areas of their lives in different boxes... Sometimes though you need to "Nail your colours to the mast" and Shout when you think that there is something fundamentally wrong.

When I read in the paper the Council was going to close the pool in February I had to get involved. Months later we are still fighting on, hoping to convince the Council to asset transfer the building to us.

Some of the decisions have amazed me. The pool has been badly managed for years. In the short time we have been looking we have found businesses willing to let out the pool or the hall, yet they were not given that facility as an option when they asked.

The council is now renting time at a pool the police own, rather than use the one they own. They are trying to say there is no demand for it! So the parents are being asked to pay more for swim lessons and have to travel to the next county for the privilege... So that is 2 extra costs for parents.

Please follow us on!/savealvapool


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