What are your heart values?

A few months ago I went to a women's weekend away and during the course of the weekend we were given a piece with lots of statements on it.

There are lots of variations of these available, some geared for workplaces whilst others are more individual.
This one was individual and detailed.

I must say that my results did not surprise me but some of the women with me really struggled as we had to refine the statements down to 3.

I know that I am a woman who values my family and I love them to pieces. I also know that I would struggle to be a stay at home mum. Hats off to you ladies, I get cabin fever and I have to work and have a mental stimulus.

My kids know that I am a woman who likes Honesty and Integrity. If my kids do something wrong, they know the worst thing to do is lie about it. They are probably going to get more of a row for the lie than what they would for their demeanour.

The bit I found hard in the exercise was getting it down to 3 as work and family give me a happy balance.

Honesty and Integrity is also interesting. I recently had to submit a cover note for something to do with the swimming pool campaign and I was told that I was too honest. I had given specific info that prevented the council authorising the flyer to go into the school bag. I was told if I had given a more general statement, then perhaps it would have been passed.

In recent days there has been conversations about Jeremy Clarkson's statement on the strikers. Legislate for this? Come on be serious.

What he said was bad taste, granted. But you have 2 choices really.

1)Think (or say) What an idiot he is.

2)Take offence and get uptight over it.

 What I do not want is someone else trying to tell me what I should be offended at and making a law about it.

I am all for equality but please don't take my Christian beliefs and trample over them for the sake of others.

I may not agree with everyone in the world but that does not mean that I don't respect their right to live as they choose to live.

That was Clarkson's error. His crass humour has disrespected people's right.
I think what makes it worse is that he probably has no real idea of how tight budgets are and the stress that puts on family life.

At most you can say don't give this guy air time or work. (If he lost his job he would not suffer hugely  and he would be snapped up by someone else no doubt)

But don't legislate.

People who want to legislate against that which offends them (or worse, that which they think may offend others) are more dangerous than people like Clarkson.


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