Thinking Missional

What does Missions mean to you? Is it a sense of going? Is it someone who is "set apart"? Is it for someone else?

Mission can conjure up a whole host of ideas in people's heart. If you say "There goes a man/woman in a mission" There is the idea that the person is purposeful, authoritative, driven (perhaps even JCB like - no one is going to stop them)

Sometimes the church has even fallen into that trap - we are going to go, change and impose our way and culture on someone else.

We are also aware of the other side of missions too though. Missionaries like Gladys Aylward who was not accepted by the mission authority. Instead of giving up Gladys was obedient to the calling she felt, spending her life savings on a passage to China.

I have been in missions for 7 years now and it is fair to say that I have got used to not fitting into other people's boxes.

In my time I have had conversations with people who struggle with the fact I am in ministry and my husband is in work (in fact some other nations within my organisation would not accept me on such terms)
Others have struggled with the fact I have not "gone" anywhere. My call is to my hometown.  For others still its the fact I am a woman or a mum of young children.

The truth of the matter though is that everyone has a part to play,  each part is different and each is important.

What then is ministry? Where does it begin and end? Does it begin and end?

Is doing something under a Banner important?

I work with many organisations, everywhere I go, I am me. Everywhere I go I take my values. I may not always preach the Gospel but I take my faith with me  wherever I go.

Two years ago I got involved in a local issue where the Council at the time wanted to close the swimming pool. I got involved for many reasons:
I did not want a resource to be lost.
I fundamentally felt there was a lack of integrity in some of the decisions.
As a community worker, I felt it was against my professional values not to be involved. 
At first I too fell into the trap of attempting to "box it". It was a what I did on my off time. I soon realised however you can't box things up in neat packages.

Whether I am helping Street Pastors, light and life or participating in church life I am me. Can I not do all this and not be part of a missionary organisation? Yes of course I could but that is not what I believe God is asking of me. (At times the other option looks easier)

So what then is being missional? Should we all strive to busy ourselves in outreach? Maybe but not necessarily. It is more being in my book. Being natural, Being aware of what God wants you to do, being involved in the things that God wants.
That could be anything, that may be a mission outreach, that may simply being a good friend and neighbour. We should not be pressured into doing more stuff for the sake of doing more stuff.

My church that I regularly worship in is a few miles away. I equally feel welcomed whenever I walk to the one up the road as I have relationships with people from there. For we are one Body.

Human nature has a tendency to have a "them and us" outlook. We group together. Jesus however is Saviour to all. Human nature and organisations (including churches) can be power houses - there is a security in what is known and what is within our control. Our egos can get in the way, our pride or our need to be creditted for what we do. We are territorial. I see this all the time, people wonder why you want to help if you are not part of their group? People are naturally suspicious of motives.

What was Jesus model of leadership? He was a servant leader.  He was a servant leader who loved....enjoyed relational connections...who was not into empire building.

How to be missional, evaluate what you do, know whether to stay in it or pull out. Alternatively is there something new God has for you.

He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,[b]
    and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 CEV


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