
Showing posts from April, 2013

Saving a leisure centre

Many of you may know that I embarked on saving a sports facility 2 years ago. The council was closing it and that was that. Or so many thought... In my heart though I felt there were issues of integrity with this decision and so I quickly joined with some local mums who had started  a petition against the closure. I had more than enough on at the time but as a community worker my professional values were at stake as far as I was concerned. I could not stand by and see a facility be demolished because I knew it would have a detrimental effect on the long term health and well being of the community. It soon became apparent that the decision would not be reversed and the last option was a community buy out of the facility. Fighting demolition is massive, but thanks to a great team within the community that evolved we have done it - it is the community worker's dream. I am so proud do be a part of this. What started as my off time,  soon became part of ministry. Fo

Raising money for YWAM Stirling - Fundraiser profile page - BT MyDonate

 Hi folks On the 2nd June I will be taking part in a 10.2 mile walk raising money for the organisation I work for. YWAM  Stirling is a Community Development team, part of YWAM Scotland. YWAM Stirling has to raise all its own funds, therefore any contribution that can be made is vital and would be used to sustain the work of YWAM Stirling and help it develop and do more. Please click the link below and visit my profile page. Bt Donate allows you to give securely. Thanks Fundraiser profile page - BT MyDonate