Big dream, big vision - Come along side

Let me share with you a vision...

Several years ago the YWAM Stirling had a vision of teaching interns mission in the community. The idea was that we would offer an internship programme and the students would learn what it is to have a missional lifestyle working in a community based setting. The participant would go away with an accredited course known in the UK.

Sadly the idea never got off the ground as we soon found out that we needed at least two participants in order for the trainers to be accredited.

Several years on and the vision or desire to have an urban based missions course has not left us.

Running a community based Discipleship Training School.

For those of you that know nothing about Youth With A Mission. A Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a residential training course that combines Biblical teaching with outreach experiences.

It touches on topics like the Fatherheart of God, Encountering God, Evangelism, The Holy Spirit, Calling and Vision,

Traditionally these schools are run on big bases and then the outreaches might be overseas or with local churches.

But here is a thought what if we ran one of these courses in an urban setting?

It has been done before but what if we tried it again in Scotland?

A community based DTS that teaches participants to have a missional approach to life. Participants would be able to be involved in what is going on in the area already.

The second stream or theme would be to focus on Intercessory Prayer. Praying for city, nation and beyond. This may mean that one outreach is intercessory based.

It is a big vision with lots to get in place if it is going to happen. We need staff, we need students, we need to rent a place to house them for 6 months.

But what a great vision, training and enabling people to demonstrate God's love to people. Mission does not have to be scary, you don't have to go anywhere.

What can you do?

Partner with us
You can pray for us to get all that we need to achieve this goal
You can spread the word to anyone you think may be interested in joining us
You can give financially to YWAM Stirling to help us achieve this goal.

2014 is going to be a big year for Scotland, you can be a partner with us.

YWAM Stirling - Seeking God's heart in the heart of Scotland.


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