Crafting a path in a life less ordinary Part 1

I have not written for a while... That is what I usually start with isn't it? Well today is no different.
Some of you may have never seen this blog before but for those who have you will know its my way of honestly living it.

What exactly?


I am a mum doing mission and for much of my life I have never taken the conventional path.... so people don't get it... most of the time.... no matter who you are or what field you are in.

So I am crafting a path less ordinary....not because I want to be different (Oh my goodness no - sometimes I scream for a regular job with a regular wage)

You see I never really meant to do this.....but its what I have been called to do.

For nearly 10 years now I have been a missionary. That was never really the plan. Infact I have sometimes joked that I must be one of the most reluctant missionaries on the planet.

(Although one friend did laugh at that comment and retorted, "Well I don't know Tricia, I think Jonah may have beaten you on that one")

Fair point.

As a teenager I knew I was called to Youth and community work... but I don't fit in to the young, trendy, extrovert  personality that so many like to have for youth workers.

Being a Christian, I tried a few short term courses but a well meaning pastor tried to steer me to Bible college but it was not right and I got rejected on more than one occasion.

When this feeling or call would not give up, I tried again but when I looked the Christian courses did not cut it and so I went to University.

I very clearly got a clear call that I would work in both sectors - the christian field and the world.

When I went to Uni, having left school with no highers, I thought I was finally going to earn a half decent income. (Little did I know God's plan)

I worked hard, specialised in strategic management in community work, developed a passion for volunteer management, was accepted to stay on for honours and then eventually graduated with a 2:1.

I worked my way through Uni with a Local authority, then God asked me to give it up and join a missionary organisation.

Now there is nothing wrong with that but just like everything in my life its not the usual route. You see as a family, its fairly normal that families join the organisation and both husband and wife are missionaries....

Blow that stereotype out the water for both the organisation, my church and whoever else cares....its just me ... hubby has a job he loves.

Stereotype 2 - YOU GO Somewhere, you give up your house and life and serve somewhere.

Again, God did not ask me to go or give up my home (but I did give up a salaried job)

Stereotype 3 You have to be full time - I started part time (although that has changed slightly)

God told me funding would be hard as I was not going to be a traditional missionary ( whatever that means) and I was to take a job.

So for nearly 10 years I did casual work for Scottish Autism... But its hard to be a mum, run a ministry and work in care.

Changes in the care sector led me to start a business walking dogs.

Its early days and I could do with a few more clients but I should have done it ages ago..... I get out, walk a dog, pray and have time to think or pray...

It really is so much more beneficial for ministry... I get time out. I have carved space into the day and Pause.

And that my friends is what I will do now....Pause.

I plan this to be a series of reflections or testimony, whatever you want to call it....I hope you join me in this journey....Part 2 will follow soon


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