Crafting a path in a life less ordinary Part 3

I will let you into a secret... I enjoy prayer. I would love to say that it is the first thing I do....but often its not. I would love to say that I see miracles happen as part of my norm... but seeing legs grow before me or miraculous healing is not part of my norm.

I  have seen it though.

On my first Overseas mission trip when I was 19, I was in the atlas mountains and one of our team fell and gashed his arm (trying to chase a sheep herder that had just nabbed the team members sleeping bag) We were 3 days walk from a hospital, we prayed and were all stunned as we saw this gash dry up infront of us. within 20 minutes it had closed over, clotted and was small enough for a dressing.

When we started praying, we had not expected that. You don't forget that type of thing.

I have however had the disappointment of my prayer not being answered in the way that I wanted.

As I have grown with experience, I have learnt to hear and tune into God's voice. On a few occasions in my life I have felt God speak and forewarn me of things. Normally it has been to prepare me /uphold me for sad news.

A few years ago I was so closed off to such things, even raising a hand in church to praise would be when I sense God on the move in a meeting, its not unusual for me to sense an army of warriors marching....sometimes I pound out to the sound.

For my non religious friends reading this, you may think yup we knew it she's strange...

A few years ago I did a prophetic mentoring course..and my tutor told me to try prophetic art... I nearly fell off my ...PAH!

Then in Tesco, God reminded me and I found myself buying pencils and a sketch book.... Okay I will do it God but only in private.... No way will I do at a Light and life outreach...

Not a good idea to put limits on God...

I am more like a p1 drawing but you know what when I tune in to God, get a word or picture that wants one...that is enough to know God has used me to uplift a person. I have been fortunate enough to hear back from one or two people as well ... which is good to know I have been on track.

Getting results or seeing results is always good. It gives you a buzz.
Even as Christians you want the buzz or the WOW factor.
But like I said those experiential buzzes are just that. Some people thrive on them and hunger for their next one.

Some days life is hard, you don't get the answer you want - you want to spit the dummy and stamp your feet.

Some people want every prayer meeting to be buzzing....

It's not always about you though...

I am getting into a habit of pausing.....

Breath, deep intake and pause.

It's in that stillness you can gain strength.


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