Everything in slow motion

Today was not a good day. One of those days where you wish you could hide under the duvet all day. It is not that simple as a mum. Life and responsibility kicks in. My son went to school himself and the motivation to take the dog out  took some time to muster.

Stunned and numb I sat.

A self employed person does not get sick pay so I had to get on and visit a dog.

I went shopping after and I mindlessly walked the store and got random bits... well at least I am out from the duvet

Home and the phone rings, its my sister. She has stumbled and waiting for an ambulance. Can I help? I don't have parents to help with childcare anymore, who to call?

I manage to sort something out and head to the hospital, a good distance away. All the way there I think how I followed my mum and sister in an ambulance 2 months ago.

Oh I want to hear her voice again.

I sit with my sister until she is seen then I take her home after discharge.

I am so tired.

 My role is the same as its always been.

Family matters.

Today has been like treading treacle.


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