
Showing posts from January, 2017

Caught in between

Yesterday was a significant day. It would have been Mum's 83rd Birthday. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a conference on at my church that day. It looked like my kind of deal. Organisational dynamics, reaching out in today's post modern world. I quite fancied it but I knew it was mum's birthday. I booked it even although we have had a tight month, probably yearning for feeling a normal and competent professional. Knowing that it would be an aim to get there and knowing I might just opt out and have coffee and cake. Then my son came home and said he was doing the address to the lassies at their burns supper afternoon. The value of being a mum who is there rose within me but thankfully as I have a hubby who is magnificent, he said "still go to the conference, I will take time off" As the day drew nearer I was wondering if I had made the right call. It would mean up early to walk the dog early....but I slept in. Okay I can still do this... it was tight and ...

Personality types

I am glad God created different personality types. Although I have done my stint in retail jobs, I was never one that was driven to hit the corporate targets for sales. Some people thrive on that though, but not me. Being a relational person I always liked giving good customer service in such jobs (infact I would love to be a secret shopper. I like to to avoid self service tills and like to see how staff act if I ask a question..) I am relational, I can't help it. I also know when it comes to planning stuff, I can hack people off. I have just come back from a prayer meeting, I planned. Some people like to know the specifics of what we will pray, what topics etc before they decide whether or not they will come... I tend to have themes but I don't tend to publish them in advance, if you turn up its because you want to pray. The truth is I don't always know what the theme is too much in advance.... and to be honest if the prayers go off in another way its ok. God has obvio...