Passion and Purpose continues

It's been a funny old year..... At the tail end of last year (2017) I got a prophetic word from reliable friends that this year would be a year of change.... but not in the way I thought. It was nearly a year after mum's death and I was beginning to feel more positive. Then came this word... You will need to go through a process, your instinct will be to walk away BUT don't, go through the process but there will be a time of endings. Boy was that true. I can honestly say that is a good summary of my year. Horrendous is an understatement. 24 hrs before this word I was told I had to go through a process, I had no real choice in. (I had not said that to those who gave me the word) If it had not been for this word, I would have told people to get lost. In the months that followed I thought about it many times. It very nearly broke me. What is perhaps worse people I trusted stuck the knife in. I got a good old kicking. BUT I am a weeble.... an...