The Fixer and the Introvert


It has once again been a while since I have written. Last night as I was scrolling through facebook I noted a post from a friend.

It was a shared post which told the story of the Naked Truth legend. Basically the story can be paraphrased like this.

There is a conversation between Truth and Lie about the beautiful water before them and Lie persuades truth to join him in the water. Whilst suspicious Truth is persuaded. Lie then jumps out the water and puts on the garments of truth and runs around the world creating havoc in the name of truth.

Meanwhile the Naked truth is exposed and not recognised as Truth is scoffed at and berated.

The Naked Truth.

There is a lot to mull over in that. So often we see a small glimpse of a picture and make a false assumption of someone based on what we think we know of them. It is so easy to get that wrong, as so often we do not know who has bullied who or just how far someone has been pushed to get to the point where they react in the way that they are now.

It got me thinking. I wanted to write something.

At first I thought of personality types, then I paused and wrote this. I hope you like it.

The Fixer and the Introvert

The fixer does not like mess,

He likes order.

He does not wait, take time to assess

And only wants the outcomes that he wants.

Without meaning to the fixer demolishes everything in his wake. 

Like a bulldozer, he tramples over everything.

Appearing arrogant and intolerant. 

Seemingly oblivious to the crushing blows he has thrown.

The unbridled passion to resume proper order as he perceives it,

Creates havoc.

The unintended crushing of spirits, germinates and begins to run like lava.

Controlling and suppressing tendencies manifest like a mould that spreads

deadly invisible spores.

The fixer becomes the one who needs fixed but is still oblivious to his need.

The Introvert plays the long game.

A strategic thinker that observes and analyses the situation before her.
Observation and wisdom like a chess game she anticipates the moves.

Never forgetting to make a note.

The extensive journey of life long overcoming means that she will not tolerate


Most bullies make mistakes... Their confidence and arrogance are often part of

their downfall.

Push someone hard enough and they will bite back.

Therein lies a problem, as others see the reaction

and make the wrong assumption.

She know her scars. The amount of mental will

power that it has taken to carry on.

The Pandora's box that is inside that few get to see.

Firmly grounded and self aware she knows when to be real with the stuff that

would make some friends shrink back.

She shoots from the hip and is not afraid to call out injustice.

She has built a career on it.

That is why when the Fixer came along like a bulldozer she had to refuse to be

trampled on.

Hit after hit, mentally at breaking point she knew truth had to prevail.

As the mud was hurled and lies unfurled, the steadfast love helped her to prevail.

Shattered dreams and broken promises abound but her integrity stands.

 By Patricia Ann Ward


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