What is your heart beat?

In case you have not noticed.... If I am a diamond.... I am an uncut one.

I call a spade a spade and I wish at times I could intellectually argue theology and be a great orator but the truth is the older I get the more I don't know.

When I was young I wore a prolife pin badge of baby feet on my school blazer. Now although I am still pro- life, I also see that the world is not black and white like that.

Some of my friends might be aghast at that statement but the reality is, I would not condemn someone for what is a very hard decision for anyone to make.

There has been a surge of historical complaints made in this "Me too" era. For every brave woman that has come forward (or man for that matter) dozens remain silenced.

Again some people may shout and say that you must come forward and ethically how can you not..... but the reality its not that simple.

Non disclosures, fear and the shear Pandora's box of past life haunt people daily.

Power, control, survival and safe mode.

I recently went to an event where I felt in shock because of kindness.

You see when you feel that you have been in a dark place and under threat, feeling voiceless, bullied and in a place where you would think such things should not exist ..... to feel respected, valued and heard... is a bit of shock to the system.

Sounds crazy doesn't it?

I know some people may look at me and think there is a educated woman who is not afraid to speak out (infact some people would rather I kept my mouth shut)

She is gutsy and no fear  - Wrong

I am gutsy and sometimes bite back purely because I have been silenced, trampled on taken to the edge but survived.

You see not every life battle is in public view.

My husband and I have at times said that our anthem should be tubthumping by chumbawumba

I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down

Life can throw us all kinds of obstacles.

I believe that we were created by a Creator and so we have a spiritual core being. When we draw from that spiritual well we gain the strength to get up again.


The dictionary definition to obedience is

"Compliance with an order, request or law or submission to another's authority."

That is a strange concept these days. The idea that someone gives a direction and you submit to that rather than dialogue.

Obedience is not the only thing God requires. God requires a teachable spirit. A discerning Spirit.

Does that mean we need to be finely polished and glossy people.

No, it's ok to be messed up.... a work in progress.

I started this by saying that my the way I respond now to things may be different to the way I would have done when I was younger.

Some of my friends may accuse me of diluting what I believe... I don't believe that is the case.

We do need to be discerning though, otherwise it just becomes a man made construct or a judgemental attitude.

It is not what we are doing and how we look, it is about what He is doing and how He transforms.


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