If Buildings Could Speak
This may seem like a rather odd post but this is something that recurs for me. Perhaps it is just my creative mind but have you ever thought what you might find out if buildings could speak? I don't mean this in a mad Alexa is collecting data on you way (although I am sure Alexa is) I mean this in a historical way. My family home that sadly we had to sell a few years ago had been in my family for 82 years. I know some of what went on and whilst it had been part sold off in stages it was my home. (Even after a moved out and got married, as my folks were still there.) But it is interesting. Numerous members of the family have lived or had experience of that house .... all different experiences. Last year for example one of my cousins let my sister and I know that our Grandfather had been in WW1. Now this might not seem that unusual as a statement but my grandfather was born in 1879, so my sister and I had always assumed grandpa would of been too old to be in WW1. it turned...