Keep It Simple

"Love never does anything that is harmful to a neighbour. 
Therefore, love fulfils Moses' Teachings."  Romans 13:10

The last few days have been interesting to watch. Heartbreaking but interesting. The events in America with George Floyd being murdered by a uniformed cop is stunning yet at the same time not that surprising.

At what point did that policemen think kneeling on a neck was at all reasonable? At what point did his colleagues think, this is okay, so we will stand and watch?

Even as a man lay defenceless, saying I can't breathe... there was still no intervention or something to fire those brain cells into an alternative course of action.

Yet we see people commenting that riots and vandalism is outrageous....


A man dies due to another man kneeling on a point where both blood supply and oxygen are constricted by a man that is supposed to keep law and order... then you wonder why people are outraged and defy law and order?

Don't get me wrong violence is not the answer. But can you really be surprised?

A few years ago I took part in a "Make poverty History March" A Peaceful event but I have to say that there was one point when a small group around us suddenly masked up and the atmosphere changed. As a young mum with a toddler in the pram my fear rose as I could sense we could be caught up in something not done in my name.

Thankfully it was a small group and the local police stemmed the group quickly.

There will always be people that will seize the opportunity to cause destruction. There will also be people that may use an event and make an indirect link to something.

When I was at Uni I was aghast that an Asian colleague said to me that because I was white, I must see myself as superior to him.

Now this man obviously had experienced racism in his life but he was also wrong to think that all whites are racist. 

"Love never does anything that is harmful to a neighbour. 
Therefore, love fulfils Moses' Teachings."  Romans 13:10

This is simple there is no "ah but only if they share the same colour skin or worship the same God"

Love does not do anything that is harmful to a neighbour.

All lives matter.


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