Navigating the Storms of Life

 Will your Anchor hold in the storms of Life?

An old Hymn that my dad loved. I think a lot of men his age liked it... it seems to have been a Boys Brigrade favourite in a certain era.

My dad left notes in his diary to say that was a hymn he wanted in his funeral. Tucked away at the back of his diary. We never even knew it was there.

"We have an anchor that keeps the soul,

Steadfast and sure when the Billows roll,

Fastened to a rock which cannot move

Grounded deep and firm in the Saviour's Love"

Who among us have not need to ground ourselves in recent times.

Restrictions are hard but Life is precious.

We have all had battles in 2020. 

Mental, emotional, financial and physical.

How we navigate through them can make all the difference.

For me, that has meant being intentional.

Phoning my friends, reading, lighting candles, having my fire pit on... to name but a few.

Early on last year my cousin called.

The minute she called, I knew something had happened.

Her words hit me... these days funerals are tend to be when we talk.

She is always my first Christmas card that I receive.

It's true though the last time we met was the day of mum's funeral, a few years ago now.

I came off the phone and thought why should it be the only time?

Since then I have tried to me more intentional at calling her.

It's funny that  I always seem to be the one that everyone thinks is alright.

I wish.

What's it they say.... in times of trouble, you know who your friends are.


Because I had to be. Few have my back... Although some do.

Relationships don't just happen. They take time and effort on both sides.

There are often many ways to see someone. You can be competent, yet lack confidence.

You can be articulate and outspoken, yet really dislike confrontation. 

How can that be? How do you hold out in a storm? I guess it comes down to does your survival mode kick in? Will you flee and avoid the conflict or do you stay around for the storm.

After ever storm there is a calm? The place might look devastated, things may be broken, but they can be rebuilt.... Sometimes even stronger.

That's the thing. We can be broken, restored and made stronger. Resilience.

I know that in my darkest hours my Anchor has held me. Sometimes that has meant an intentional Pause and a physical inhale to centre me.

Sometimes that means I speak up and say things other people are thinking.

As a woman, you get into trouble for that. Instead of confident, you are brash or emotional.

Instead of a leader, you have authority issues.

Instead of bold ..... you are belittled and Gas-lighted.

Did she really just say that?


You see now that I have said that, some of you that know me in some way are probably thinking about the organisations that I am a part of and are trying to read between the lines. Some of you are already angry, making assumptions - half composing your email response to me in your head.

I must mean someone, right?

Can someone who has an interest in people, organisations and dynamics, not just share from her observations and experience without someone getting offended?

That is where shame comes in.

A whole different kettle of fish.

How's that anchor? Still with me?

You see offence is something that is easy to take. Often offence is taken when you assume something. You see sometimes offence would not be taken if you check the facts or tried to understand the other perspective. 2 + 2 is 34.

Open communication is better than no communication. If something is open, you can agree to disagree or seek restoration. Hidden stuff generates bitterness, resent and anger. None of these are positive.

It is true that even our darkest times can mould and make us stronger.

Seek out light and the people that value and honour you. It's in those dark times you find that you need the Anchor and you need true friends.


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