Courage to face the void

 Sometimes you start writing by simply taking a breath and seeing how things develop. In technical terms that is probably a form of free writing. It takes a bit of courage to do that. I mean, you just start typing and then you begin to actually realise what is on your heart. 

The next element to this is do you actually continue on. I mean it would be entirely plausible for you to just pretend that you had randomly constructed something and have this blog as a fake free writing page.

I mean today has been a bit mad/ I have walked over 21000 steps. I have nursed a sore wound. I have looked for a dog that ran out of a garden and then ran in front of my car.

I have reflected on life and considered the future.

You can not control how someone sees you.

People will believe what they want to believe. Equally some will squish you like a gnat if they think it will help them achieve their goal.

Not everyone is honest and trustworthy. 

So you wait and hope that justice will be served.

You wait and hope that you actualising tendency kicks in and you survive.

Surviving is a thing but the question is are you on your default survival mode or have you created a new pathway that is viable and sustainable?

Courage requires you to rise strong, strengthen you back and face tomorrow head on.


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