Knowing someone's Worth and that includes your Own....

I like to know a name. I might not remember everyone's name but I like to try.

For the purposes of this post though I won't name names. I will keep things broad brush. In my years in Street Pastors, pastoral care and youth work I like to remember names. Why? The people I meet matter to me. Their stories and life journey matter. Even as I sit here typing the names and face of some of these folks flash before me and I wonder how they are doing.

Some I would just love to have deep conversation them and listen to the cries of their heart.

If I care so much about these people that I get to engage with, why then is it so hard for me to care about me?

You would think that would be easy huh?

I matter too,

There I said it. I matter.

Some may say that is selfish but believe it or not it is not.

In the words of a well known hair care product.....because you are worth it.


To be sufficiently important to be treated or regarded in a specific way. 

It's not the definition people tend to think of with the term worth. People tend to think of the monetary value when they use that term.

So do you value yourself enough.

Probably not.

It is far too easy to avoid confrontation. Duck your head down and lick your wounds.

Instead you unfurl your bent spine straighten your shoulders, inhale and stand tall.

As for my friends that I have met on the road.

Even although I am not a Street Pastor, I say hello to those I know.

The young people I have unconditional positive regard for, regardless of what kind of day they  are having,

They know I know their name.

The thing is people matter and people know when they matter to someone.

They equally can pick up when someone does not have any regard for them.

Pause, close your eyes, centre and........... there you are.

Beautiful, messy You.

For who is perfect.

Know your shape, cherish your form, 

See the light through the cracks

Embrace the beautiful you.

True friends see the good, bad dark and light and still hang around.

True friends listen, cry and accept you for you and guess what let you be YOU.

True friends look into your eyes, share a tear and and a smile... and don't walk away.

A tear that understands and a smile that cherishes.

A tear that journeys with your sadness 

And a smile that sees you overcome.

The  key though is that you do it together because you are both worth being cherished, loved and respected.


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