She begins again

 Straighten your back, breathe and step outside.

The first step in a new journey can often be a bit daunting. Even when you know you want to go on the journey. Some journeys have a specific destination, whilst others have a more flexible route. Some journeys have diversion, roadblocks and rock falls the obstruct the road.

Even when you try to prepare and do safety checks, one unplanned external force can make the most confident person wobble.

It takes courage to step out. The scars of previous journeys are unseen. Mostly covered... but still there.

Strong boots protect the feet, a walking stick helps to check the terrain ahead for safety, a whistle to sound alarm and a knife because they can come in handy.

It has taken time to get to this point.

Questions like do I really want to do this?                               

Is now the time?

Is this something I will regret not doing if I don't try?

It will be a tricky road and life time fears will have to be faced.

The scars of the past are still part of you, they shape you. You have braved wilderness before and sometimes you have smiled with joy when you found an unexpected oasis.

She pauses and centres, drawing from the strength within,

The air hits her face, with freshness that revitalises.

There will be no promise of a painless journey but it is the journey that you have wanted to undertake for decades...

So go on girl..... open the door and start the journey again.


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