Speaking Out and Caught in the Crossfire

 To speak out or not speak out that is the question.

I have at various times in my life spoken out. It's always an interesting experience. On one occasion I left a job and a senior service manager called me and asked me to stay. When I explained I had a new position and detailed that I should have been moved to a permanent contract by now.... and a few other things that had not sat right with me, little did I know he would investigate further and find far more than I realised.

Then there was the time when I was working in care and in a supervision session, I commented on a staff hand over that made me uncomfortable and the supervisor investigated and moved a member of staff so they no longer worked alone.

Injustice and people abusing their power annoys me,

Sadly though I have been the victim of people abusing their position far too often and sometimes I get wounded in the crossfire. Call me fiesty if you want but I have been a victim who has been silenced and hurt, It is funny how you get gaslighted and hurt if you speak out too.

Human beings can be really mean.

Christians and non Christians alike.

I am sure it all grieves God though.

So whether you have a belief or not, this Easter think of Love. Look into the eyes of your fellow human being and meet them where they are. It does not matter if it is in Happiness, Heartbreak, Joy or Sorrow... meet them where they are with compassion, kindness and love.

Unless you have journeyed with them, you do not know what trials they have had to endure.

Don't judge. 

Just be kind and love. In doing so you connect with the heart of God.


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