Truth or Lie, Stand up or be trampled on.

In the last few weeks I have probably wept more than I have in years. I think the only time in recent years when I have wept in such a way was when my parents passed away. Needless to say I normally find crying something very difficult.

Some people seem to cry more easily. I don't know if somewhere in my lived experience I made an unconscious decision not to cry but somewhere along the line crying became a difficult thing.

In the last few weeks though that has changed. 

Someone I once trusted hurt me deeply recently. The physical, psychological and emotional pain made my whole being cry out. I was truly broken and left with a moral and ethical dilemma. 

I have no idea how things will turn out. What I do know is that there are times in my past when I have stayed quiet. Speaking out is hard. Equally though we have all known whistle blowers suffer because they blew the whistle.

When you are are person that values integrity and honesty, you sometimes forget that not everyone will have those same standards. Some people dig in, double down and will flatten anyone that gets in their way.

Some valleys are deep and long. The Mountain edges tower over and the light is dimmed.

Integrity is a high value for me. So when someone you trust clearly would shove you under a bus... the breach of trust is an open wound. Especially when you have known someone for decades.

It is times like these that you find out who is prepared to travel on the narrow paths with you and who will drop you like a stone.

Be true to yourself.

Be your authentic, truthful self.

Rise and unfurl your wings.

Rise strong.

Be strong.

Be beautiful.


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