Year End reflections

This page is called honestly living it. If truth be told if I was completely honest on this page right now, many would think I am a fiction writer. This year has given us so many punches at times I have not had time to pick myself up after the last blow.

The truth is this was a year that nearly broke me. 

 Time to gain some perspective. I survived it.

So I have to be thankful.  

Thankful to my husband of 25 years who has been at my side as I stood for integrity and justice. Although I did not get justice I deserved. I do have my integrity intact.

I certainly found who my friends. 

As a certain advert says "because I am worth it"

I am worth fighting for. Even if you have to take body blows, I will stand tall.

I used the word fight there. What image was it that came to mind? Someone attacking? Or someone defending?

I have started helping at a women's trauma centre this year. Within a few months of listening on the telephone line, I have learnt so much.

The silence can speak to you as much as the words.

Being heard is important.

You have to do what is right for you.

Doing what is right can nearly break you.

You will know when it is time to walk away if you have to.

I am not talking about the women I have listened to anymore.... Did you guess?

I never really saw myself aligning with women's trauma, although  I sure have had my share of it.

From several walks in my life.

 Maybe I just lost some readers there.

I want to dust the dirt off my shoes of this year it really has been mud.

So what then are the good things?

A fabulous husband of 25 years...

Finding my tribe. (You know who you are)

Having work colleagues that have my back and know my true colours,

And of course seeing Billy Joel in New York.

So I end 2023, glad it is coming to an end and looking forward to a new year and a clean slate,

Don't give up, sometimes you have an unexpected item in the baggage area. It can take time to clear up the mess but once clear you can carry on to the path that is for you.

To Liberty and justice..... or as should I say Freedom.


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