Becoming and finding Self

Some people are very quick to judge or give you their opinion of what they think what you should do or how you should act.
It always surprises me who tries to do this. Sometimes you are blind sided by your friends or the people you have put your trust in. Sometimes you see true acts of kindness and compassion.

It is sadly true that there are many wolves that present as sheep. There are many that are feeding their own ego, trying to  build empires and leave legacies.


there are pure souls.   

People that would answer the phone at any point of a day, day or night. Or would walk any journey with you. Someone who does not seek fame, fortune, praise or their ego soothed., 

Some would call such people soft and yet others would call these people brave and courageous. As sometimes these journeying souls may find that the power grabbers and legacy builders, don't really care how they get there and would have no problem in destroying you to get their way.

Whether you agree or not, I believe that we are made as spiritual beings. The spiritual aspect of your being needs fed and filled just as much as any other part of your being. Your brain needs nurtured and your emotional being needs love. That is why self care is so important. After all sometimes if you don't do self care, others will exploit you to the max.

The art of saying No is a lesson many have to learn the hard way.

This requires you to be comfortable in your own skin.
That sounds so simple but the reality of being able to set boundaries with people couple with the fear of being judged for being assertive or for not pulling your weight or not playing the game or working within the system is really quite strong.s
"We want everyone to do this" 

That's nice but that is essentially your agenda and it's not necessarily what works for me right now.

People may then start isolating you by saying that you are stubborn or that in some other way it is you that is the problem,

It has taken some time to strengthen my core and be confident in who I am. 

My first profession is that of a community learning and development professional. A life long learner advocate.... and I practice what I preach.

After a most terrible learning experience in 2023 that challenged me mentally, physically and professionally, I nearly lost myself but also remembered by true self.

I persevere. I challenge injustice, If I get knocked down, I get back up again and hold myself high.

If you have been lucky enough to go through life with few trials, then count yourself blessed.

Trauma has however be a significant part of my life. 

Trauma does not have a look, it manifests itself in many ways. Some are open about their trauma, some are not.
So be kind because you may not realise what someone has overcome or the fight past or present that someone has been in.

I am glad to say that I am becoming me again, finding my feet and standing tall.

Once again I will be a student, a life long learner,

Helpful tip : If you think you have know everything, you still have something to learn,



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