Keep It Simple

" Love never does anything that is harmful to a neighbour. Therefore, love fulfils Moses' Teachings." Romans 13:10 The last few days have been interesting to watch. Heartbreaking but interesting. The events in America with George Floyd being murdered by a uniformed cop is stunning yet at the same time not that surprising. At what point did that policemen think kneeling on a neck was at all reasonable? At what point did his colleagues think, this is okay, so we will stand and watch? Even as a man lay defenceless, saying I can't breathe... there was still no intervention or something to fire those brain cells into an alternative course of action. Yet we see people commenting that riots and vandalism is outrageous.... Really? A man dies due to another man kneeling on a point where both blood supply and oxygen are constricted by a man that is supposed to keep law and order... then you wonder why people are outraged and defy law and order? Don...