
Showing posts from February, 2021

Navigating the Storms of Life

 Will your Anchor hold in the storms of Life? An old Hymn that my dad loved. I think a lot of men his age liked it... it seems to have been a Boys Brigrade favourite in a certain era. My dad left notes in his diary to say that was a hymn he wanted in his funeral. Tucked away at the back of his diary. We never even knew it was there. "We have an anchor that keeps the soul, Steadfast and sure when the Billows roll, Fastened to a rock which cannot move Grounded deep and firm in the Saviour's Love" Who among us have not need to ground ourselves in recent times. Restrictions are hard but Life is precious. We have all had battles in 2020.  Mental, emotional, financial and physical. How we navigate through them can make all the difference. For me, that has meant being intentional. Phoning my friends, reading, lighting candles, having my fire pit on... to name but a few. Early on last year my cousin called. The minute she called, I knew something had happened. Her words hit me......