Year End reflections

This page is called honestly living it. If truth be told if I was completely honest on this page right now, many would think I am a fiction writer. This year has given us so many punches at times I have not had time to pick myself up after the last blow. The truth is this was a year that nearly broke me. Time to gain some perspective. I survived it. So I have to be thankful. Thankful to my husband of 25 years who has been at my side as I stood for integrity and justice. Although I did not get justice I deserved. I do have my integrity intact. I certainly found who my friends. As a certain advert says "because I am worth it" I am worth fighting for. Even if you have to take body blows, I will stand tall. I used the word fight there. What image was it that came to mind? Someone attacking? Or someone defending? I have started helping at a women's trauma centre this year. Within a few months of listening on the telephone line, I have learnt so much. The silence...