
Showing posts from May, 2010

You never know what will fall through the letter box

Today I had an interesting letter.....a letter informing me that I might be made redundant. In a way it was a stage before that actually. The letter to let us know that some people may get a job at risk letter as redundancies will have to be made. This job is a care job I do on a casual basis. In one sense I could see how my job will be at risk since I don't do that many hours a month....then again getting rid of me won't save them much. On the other hand that job funds 99% of my ministry costs so it raises a few questions. One one hand I know God will show me the next step and on the other there is a gap that needs filled.... Interesting times.
It has been a while since I have written anything here and well that has been life. In the last few months we have had a variety of challenges one after another. For a while we got pestered with teenage pranksters on a daily basis, often several times a day.... What they saw as fun, actually began to grind us down and make us anxious....The human side of you wants to defend your territory and knock heads together while you are trying to remain calm and be reasonable. Then there was a fall, concussion and now nearly constant headaches....such is life you have to take the rough with the smooth... I have been pondering lately about how we perceive things... In my church we have a Bible in a year challenge.... so lots of us a reading the daily reading and its stimulating discussion.... Someone wrote in a blog discussion "we have so many programmes and so little yield.... people do it because its what we do in Christianity" You know I get part of what the person is saying but my ...