crafting a path - different hats one goal
Today I took a stall at a coffee morning. Selling my goods. My name is Ochiltrinkets on such occasions. Selling candles, some of my jewellery I male or photos that I have taken and put into cards. Someone asked me when do you have time... The truth is I don't. The fact is that my stuff is very often under the stair and certainly in the last year or so I have had very little time for it. I would love a wee room where it would be easily accessible. I sold a few items today, not many. If truth be told I enjoyed seeing the buzz and listening to the hub of a community supporting a community run venture. ( I made my table and a little more ) Again it was a God thing a few years ago. God told me the name to use. I thought foolishly perhaps that I would do this and make enough to do ministry but these days the market is flooded with people doing this kind of stuff, But never the less I do the odd table at a fayre and the local shop sells my stuff for a small percentage of taking...