
Showing posts from April, 2015

crafting a path - different hats one goal

Today I took a stall at a coffee morning. Selling my goods. My name is Ochiltrinkets on such occasions. Selling candles, some of my jewellery I male or photos that I have taken and put into cards. Someone asked me when do you have time... The truth is I don't. The fact is that my stuff is very often under the stair and certainly in the last year or so I have had very little time for it. I would love a wee room where it would be easily accessible. I sold a few items today, not many. If truth be told I enjoyed seeing the buzz and listening to the hub of a community supporting a community run venture. ( I made my table and a little more ) Again it was a God thing a few years ago. God told me the name to use. I thought foolishly perhaps that I would do this and make enough to do ministry but these days the market is flooded with people doing this kind of stuff, But never the less I do the odd table  at a fayre and the local shop sells my stuff for a small percentage of taking...

Crafting a path in a life less ordinary Part 3

I will let you into a secret... I enjoy prayer. I would love to say that it is the first thing I do....but often its not. I would love to say that I see miracles happen as part of my norm... but seeing legs grow before me or miraculous healing is not part of my norm. I  have seen it though. On my first Overseas mission trip when I was 19, I was in the atlas mountains and one of our team fell and gashed his arm (trying to chase a sheep herder that had just nabbed the team members sleeping bag) We were 3 days walk from a hospital, we prayed and were all stunned as we saw this gash dry up infront of us. within 20 minutes it had closed over, clotted and was small enough for a dressing. When we started praying, we had not expected that. You don't forget that type of thing. I have however had the disappointment of my prayer not being answered in the way that I wanted. As I have grown with experience, I have learnt to hear and tune into God's voice. On a few occasions in my ...

Crafting a path in a life less ordinary. Part 2

I like wood. I like the natural and tactile feel to wood. (Maybe I get that from my late dad, who was an apprentice cabinet maker at one time in his life.) I have been known to get a bit of wood, whittle and sand it and make it into a jewellery display or something. I bought some driftwood candle holders but they were a bit rough, so the other day I bought some sand paper, sat on the the step and sanded them down to look better.  It was just so good to do. As I was in the shop, I got a sense of  "Try it yourself" "Look for wood and get a tool, you will enjoy that. So I did. I came back from the DIY store with a bit of varnish and a drill bit....hubby never said a word...he has still not asked..... after 16.5 years of marriage, he probably just knew it would not make sense even if he asked. So I plan to look for wood I can work on. Sometimes its best not to ask with me.... Like I said in part one of this, I tend not to be conventional. You see all I can do...

Crafting a path in a life less ordinary Part 1

I have not written for a while... That is what I usually start with isn't it? Well today is no different. Some of you may have never seen this blog before but for those who have you will know its my way of honestly living it. What exactly? Life. I am a mum doing mission and for much of my life I have never taken the conventional path.... so people don't get it... most of the time.... no matter who you are or what field you are in. So I am crafting a path less ordinary....not because I want to be different (Oh my goodness no - sometimes I scream for a regular job with a regular wage) You see I never really meant to do this.....but its what I have been called to do. For nearly 10 years now I have been a missionary. That was never really the plan. Infact I have sometimes joked that I must be one of the most reluctant missionaries on the planet. (Although one friend did laugh at that comment and retorted, "Well I don't know Tricia, I think Jonah may have bea...