What a difference a day makes.. anyone for Lemonade
Have you ever heard the expression "When life throws you lemons - make Lemonade." Well that kind of sums up my life right now. Without going into extreme detail in a blog. There are times when you hit a few bumps in the road or a few curve balls that you just never expected. Well that is kind of where I am at in more ways than one right now. The important thing to remember in these situations is that everyone can react differently. You can attend a concert with a friend and your friend will interpret and experience the events in a different way, This is not to say that either experience is wrong. Each experience is validated when scrutinised by the self, In the last few days I have had a curve ball. I am in the process of navigating this and at the time of writing I am not sure how things will unfold. There is one thing I am certain of, This is a bump in the road but roads get fixed. I have had many obstacles come across my pathway in my life. I find it extremely inter...